Author Appreciation Week -- Tamora Pierce and J.K. Rowling

This week is Author Appreciation Week. I know I'm a little late, but I still wanted to do it.

If you know me, you know who'll be first on my list. Tamora Pierce is one of my favorite writers. She's written and publishers more books than I care to count and I have yet to find one that I don't like. Tamora Pierce novels were one of my earliest reads. I don't remember reading Wild Magic for the first time, but I do have a vague memory of picking it up off the middle school library shelf. And no matter how many times I pick it back up, the story never gets old.

And, a common theme this week while we appreciate authors is J.K. Rowling. Sorcerer's Stone is the first book I can remember reading. From the first chapter, I was hooked and I haven't looked back. I've reread them more times than I can count. To the point where Prisoner of Azkaban (my favorite book of the series until Deathly Hallow's release) fell apart and I had to buy a second copy. Rowling's story is a very inspiring one and keeps me going, especially on the days when my brain tells me just to give up.


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