What's Up Wednesday - January 21, 2015

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop created by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk to help writers stay in touch.
What I'm Reading: 
Still Boy on the Bridge. I'm a little less than halfway. I ordered a bunch of new books from B&N and they shipped today, though, so I'm going to have to finish it before they get here. 

What I'm Writing: 
Nothing at the moment. Working on getting Weredragon's synopsis down to a more acceptable length. My writing goal for the week is to get ten queries out there again.

What Works for Me: 
Sometimes it's not giving myself rewards. I've talked before about how I like to give myself a little break after I complete a task on my to do list. Sometimes that break is an episode of a TV show. Recently, though, I've had to quit doing that because I find myself spending more time watching Stargate or How I Met Your Mother than actually working. For now I just work through my to do list and then I get to have fun. 

What Else I'm Up to: 
I start both of my tutoring jobs this week--statistics within the psychology department--and I'm actually pretty excited about it. Hopefully it all goes well this semester.

Have a great week!


Miss Cole said…
There's a fine art to the synopsis. Good luck! Practice makes perfect ;)

Have a brilliant week.
Good luck with the queries! I don't like sending them out and waiting to hear back, but it's something all of us have to go through. Enjoy writing this week.

My What's up Wednesday post.
ELAdams said…
I have the same trouble with rewards - they don't work as a motivator, because I just end up not working at all. :P Good luck querying!
Alison Miller said…
Totally believe in writerly rewards! And yes - get through the to do list, then have fun is an awesome way to go. Hope you have a great and productive week!
smile4niki said…
Good luck on your queries! Hope you get good news soon.

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