What's Up Wednesday - January 14, 2015

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop created by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk to help writers stay in touch.

What I'm Reading: 
Currently Boy on the Bridge by Natalie Standiford. I must admit that it's not holding me as well as I hoped.

What I'm Writing: 
Going to start working on submission materials for Weredragon tomorrow. I already have a synopsis and query, I just need to make sure they're the best they can be. 

What Works for Me: 
Giving myself time off when I need it. For instance, Mondays I have class from 11 to 8:20 with only a few hours of break in between. My goal is to lower my target word count to a more manageable number or possibly eliminate it completely. The rest of the week is not nearly as hectic yet so there will be plenty of time for a proper writing session.

What Else I'm Up To: 
Classes. I'm actually really excited about mine this semester. It's going to be quite a bit of work but also a lot of fun. 


I like the sound of Weredragon, nice title. And the submission process...always makes me nervous. I wish ou the best of luck!

My What's Up Wednesday post.
Miss Cole said…
Good luck getting ready to submit! Exciting times :D

Giving yourself time off sounds like a brilliant idea. Hope it works out.

Have a great week!
smile4niki said…
Good job setting manageable goals!
Laura said…
Best wishes refining your submission materials. :) Also, remembering to take me time is important -- good for you!

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