NaNo Week Two Update

Total Word Count: 18,501 words
Mon: 5,017
Tues: 1,777
Wed: 2,036
Thurs: 0
Fri: 2,127
Sat: 0
Sun: 0

I've been in a big slump. I have a rough idea of things that I want to happen, but no idea on how to make them happen. I've been busy with a lot of schoolwork, reading, and friends. Hopefully getting back into a class schedule through this week will help me get over my sparse weekend.

This Week in Tweets:

Starbucks. Gingerbread latte (may be my new favorite). Two hours until my next class. Time to write! #amwriting #NaNo

Just hit 10k! Maybe I should do caffeine-fueled writing sprints in Starbucks more often... #NaNo

Note to self: Telling friends that "my characters aren't talking to me" might make them find me insane.

I'm ahead in #NaNo, but behind on homework. Shows where my priorities are, doesn't it? #muststudy #wanttowrite

Word count for today: 0. I did, however, get quite a bit of homework done.


At the end of every writing session, leave yourself a note on where your character was going next. This will give you a starting point at your next session and prevent writers' block that results from trying to decide where your character will go next.

How is everyone else doing? 


Jaime Morrow said…
I hear you about the slump thing. I didn't write at all this weekend, and I'm not 100% sure I will today either. I know where my story is going, I'm just feeling like doing other things, like reading.

I'm amazed that you've gotten so much done and all while doing school/homework/all that craziness. Well done! :)
Ash said…
I'm struggling with that same thing. I know what I want to happen but I can't seem to get the words on the page. And for some of the scenes I'm not sure how to get there and it seems all the ones I'm most excited to write are so far along, and some of them I'm not even sure how I'm going to get there. Sigh.

Good luck!

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