NaNo Week Three Update

Total Word Count: 30,997 words
Mon: 2,605
Tues: 1,192
Wed: 2,744
Thurs: 0
Fri:  2,095
Sat: 3,860
Sun: 0

It was a good weekend in writing. I've been trying to get ahead again so that I don't feel too pressured while I'm getting ready to go home and hanging out with my family over the holidays. This is the first time I'll see them since I got up here in August, so I don't anticipate having too much time for writing this week.

Prioritize and give yourself permission if you need a day to catch up on other things. A few of my 0-word days were the result of my attempt to finish most of my homework in one day so that I could concentrate on writing later.

Even if you're normally a pantser, consider trying outlining if you're struggling to decide what to write. I have three points of view, so I outline chapters ahead so I know what's going to happen with each point of view. It helps to eliminate writers' block because I don't have to remember where each character is and what they were doing. 

How is everyone else doing? 


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