Week in Short

It's officially summer! I hope you're all staying cool and not melting in this heat. The finale of Legend of Korra is tomorrow. I can't believe the season is over already! It seems like just yesterday I was skipping around my room excited about the first episode...

Song of the Week: "(Kissed You) Good Night" by Gloriana [I didn't realize how much I missed them until I heard this song.]

Must read: 
Lauren DeStefano: Feeding another quarter to hype machine

A Fool's Golden Paradise: 
Slush pile: When agents stop reading

Blood-Red Pencil: 
Listen to the PDF lady: using Read Aloud function to revise
Embracing technology: Audio books

Janet Reid: 
Editing symbols

Janice Hardy: 
The Great Twitter Experiment: what does "more Tweets" really get you? 
Living in my head: Crafting natural-sounding internal thoughts

Guiding the reader emotionally
Button on character

Mother Write:
The beta reader browse

3 myths about villains

Rachelle Gardner:
Staying steady on the publishing rollercoaster

Writer Beware:
Author Solutions introduces BookStub

Video of the Week: 
This video is adorable and -- as any cat owner will attest -- SO TRUE.

 Have a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday!


VikLit said…
Great links, thanks! :)
Anonymous said…
I can relate to that video so much!

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