Week in Short

I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving! For those of you who live outside the U.S., I hope you had a wonderful Thursday. :) Hope everyone is staying safe and having a fun time shopping on this Black Friday.

Song of the week: Just The Way You Are -- Glee cast. This week's episode of Glee = MADE. OF. WIN. I haven't stopped listening to this song since Wednesday. I didn't think I'd ever find a song that topped Teenage Dream or an episode that topped Never Been Kissed...but they did it this week.

Must Read:
10 commandments of social networking for writers

Overheard at Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America party

Michelle Brower: 10 tips for attending writers' conferences
Kimberly Shumate: How to create a professional submission

Jennifer Laughran:
The best time to query

Marieke's Musings:
How to write YA sci-fi with Beth Revis

Nathan Bransford:
Nine circles of writing hell

#188: YA urban fantasy

Agents requesting material
On beta readers

In Movies:
  • The Holiday -- Beginning was a little slow but the rest of the movie was AWESOME. I might have to buy this one. 9.5/10
In Writing:
On the to do list for my four-day weekend: finish the second pass on Burning Bridges. This could be the last major revision before I start tweaking.

Everyone have a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday!

P.S. GO BLUE! (Michigan's playing Ohio State this weekend.)


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