The Wizard Heir and Foretelling Reviews

This is my first finished book and book review for 2010!!!! And I'm way behind on the 100 book Challenge...

The Wizard Heir by Cinda Williams Chima

Sixteen-year-old Seph McCauley has spent the past three years getting kicked out of one exclusive private school after another. Unfortunately, it's not his attitude that's the problem, it's the trail of magical accidents -- lately, disasters -- that follow in his wake. Seph is a wizard, orphaned and untrained, and now that the only person who could protect him has died, his powers are escalating out of control.

After causing a tragic fire at an after-hours party, Seph is sent to the Havens, a secluded boys' school on the coast of Maine. At first, it seems the answer to his prayers. Gregory Leicester, the headmaster, promises to train Seph in magic and initiate him into his secret order of wizards. But Seph's enthusiasm dampens quickly when he learns that training comes at a steep cost, and that Leicester plans to use his students' powers to serve his own mysterious agenda.

In this companion novel to the exciting fantasy
The Warrior Heir, everyone's got a secret to keep: Jason Haley, a fellow student who's been warned to keep away from Seph; the enchanter Linda Downey, who knew his parents; the rogue wizard Leander Hastings; and the warriors Jack Swift and Ellen Stephenson. This wizard war is one that Seph may not have the strength to survive.

I'm going to be honest, this wasn't one of those books that grabbed me by the throat and wouldn't let go. The beginning was great, but as the book continued it dragged along a little. I recognized Seph's parents almost as soon as I met them. The Dragon took me a little longer to figure out and it was a nice surprise when I finally did. It was probably the only major thing I didn't see coming until it was right in front of me. Though I didn't see the part with Martin at the end coming either, though looking back I realize that I should've. I also just realized that the girl that plays a part in the beginning, Alicia, never really returns except in name. Just thought that was kind of weird.

The characterization in the story is awesome. I loved Seph, Madison, Ellen, Jack, Linda and Hastings. I spent most of the book waiting for Leicester to die.

The ending is a little abrupt, but I just figured out why. There's a sequel: The Dragon Heir. *headdesk* There's a reason why I try to limit my reading of series. I don't do well waiting for sequels when I'm already waiting for the new Hunger Games and the new Inheritance. (Seriously, where is the new Inheritance right now? Is it at least in revisions yet??)

All in all, I give Wizard Heir a 7.5/10. It's a good book, but not one of my favorites.

The Foretelling by Alice Hoffman
Rain is a girl with a certain destiny, living in an ancient time of blood, raised on mares' milk, nurtured with the strength of a thousand Amazon sisters. A girl of power, stronger than fifty men, she rides her white horse as fierce as a demon. Rain -- Dream Rider, born warrior, and queen-to-be.

But then there is the foretelling: the black horse.

In truth, Rain tastes a different future in her dreams. She is touched by the stirrings of emotions unknown. She begins to see beyond a life of war...and wonders about the forbidden. And about the words that are never used... Mercy. Love. Peace.

Wizard Heir and Foretelling are about as different as oil and water. Foretelling may be the most beautiful book I've ever read. The prose is gorgeous and flawless. I think this may be the first truly literary book I've ever read as well. And I'd read another in a heartbeat. I used to stay away from literary, thinking of the classics that I have to force myself to read. Foretelling is the kind of story whose words stick with you long after you've stopped reading. It's also the kind of story that's almost impossible to put down, even for a minute.

While Foretelling is the most beautiful book I've read, it's also one of the most straight-forward. Rape and violence are not only mentioned (though mostly in passing), it's a part of their culture. But I'd still read it again and again.



Anonymous said…
I've read The Foretelling! LOVED it! I totally agree with everything you just said about it. :)

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