New Year Goals

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Today is the first day of 2010 and with the start of every new year come the new year's resolutions. Now if you're like me, you make a resolution every year, but it never lasts past the first day. So today I'd like to make a pact that I'm actually going to complete my new year's goals. Here they are.

1. Read 100 books in a year. (That's two books a week or one book every 3 1/2 days). I'd love to do this one. My rule is that reread books do count. Someday I'll do it again where they don't, but in the meantime there's no way I can go to the bookstore or library often enough to be able to read 100 new books. Especially with all the book-based movies that are coming up. I have to reread the entire Harry Potter series before DH 1, the entire Twilight series at some point so I can revaluate my opinion of them, the entire Percy Jackson series before LT, and Dawn Treader before that movie comes out.

2. Query Destiny and Jump at least. This one was going to be 'get an agent' but that's a pretty high goal. It'll always be on my mind, but I think I need to finish revisions first.

My non-writing related goals:

1. Stop biting my fingernails. I've been doing that for as long as I can remember. I don't do it as often as I used to, but when they get long or I get stressed, I start up again. This has been my new year's resolution at least twice in the past.

2. Clean my room. Yes, I'm determined to make this happen. It was supposed to happen during Christmas break, but it just...didn't...

3. Start riding again. I WILL. If I don't start up again, I think my head's going to explode.

Yes, it's going to be a struggle, but as long as we're all determined, I think it can happen. So what are you goals/new year's resolution writing-related or not.


Emilia Plater said…
Gooo HR! 100 books is quite a goal. And I would love for you to start riding again! YOU CAN DO IT :D

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