Week in Short

Wow. I never thought this week was going to end. But now it's Friday and I have a three-day weekend to look forward to! *must do something productive with this vacation*

Lots of awesome links this week. :) But first....

FOUR WEEKS UNTIL LIGHTNING THIEF RELEASE! And 24 days until Gone's release! *bounces up and down* I just read the Kirkus review for it a few minutes ago. I had to make myself close out of the window so I'd stop reading the reviews and rambling at the computer. Though I can honestly say I'm now very anxious for this book.

Anyway... (oh, random fact: if you get a group of people together and start a chain of 'Anyway's it will keep going. It's kind of weird)

And in other news, the cover to Riordan's new book, The Red Pyramid -- first book in the Kane Chronicles -- AND a mini-excerpt from the first chapter have been posted here! *fangirl squeals* This is going to be my next countdown.

Must Read: Co-MR's this week are GLA's 8 links to query letter articles and Querytracker's reminder to research before querying.

Contests: Querytracker is having an awesome blurb and first two pages contest with agent Emmanuelle Alspaugh! Romance and urban fantasy genre only, no YA allowed unfortunately.

News: Kirkus may be bought so that they may continue publishing reviews and Lauren MacLeod has joined Strothman Agency!

BookEnds warns against bad agents and sweating the small stuff while submitting.

GLA tells us everything we need to know about steampunk.

Nathan Bransford talked about marketing your book the best you can.

Pimp My Novel shares the importance of negative reviews and what exactly embargoed titles are.

Pub Rants had Megan Crewe's query letter. It made me want to run out and buy Give Up the Ghost right now! :D But I'll have to settle to adding it to the top of my to read list.

Querytracker talked about amnesia this week. *takes notes for Shipwrecked rewrite*

Writer Unboxed answered questions about evil narrators and writing the opposite gender.

That's all for this week. Unfortunately I don't have any writing related news. I spent Monday and Tuesday frantically working on an AP English project and Wednesday and Thursday resting up from said project. Must. Write. This. Weekend. Though I'm afraid that the grammar section of ACT prep is going to ruin my writing. I don't know what kind of grammar that is, but it definitely isn't the way things are actually written. *sighs* Anyway...

Everyone have an awesome, productive weekend and we'll be back on Monday! :)


bclement412 said…
GONE! *bounce with you*
Anonymous said…


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