Writing Wednesday

And it's that time of the week again. It's been a pretty good one. I'm about ready to kick the laptop this morning though. It's being very slow and I almost had a panic attack this morning because I thought that I'd lost everything that wasn't backed up, or at least everything I did last night. But thanks to Word's Autorecover I managed to save everything and it's all backed-up now.

I had a pretty decent week this week writing wise. My best day was yesterday with 4,108 words and my worst days were Saturday and Sunday (but I have excuses for those days) with 0 words both days. Last night I went on a total writing roll. I remember looking at the clock around ten-thirty and then the next time I glanced down at it it was midnight.

Status: Progressing slowly
Last week: 69,000 words
This week: 72,000 words (I decided to knock off the polished part since I'm concentrating on the rewrite and my beta's disappeared again)

If you'd asked me a couple days ago how Destiny was going, I would've said very badly. In fact, I was expecting to come in here today and tell you all that I was trunking her for a couple weeks. I was planning on waiting to receive a couple beta comments on chapter one and then I was going to trunk it. Destiny just wasn't going well at all. The rewrite was going terribly and I dreaded working on it. The query was consuming all my attention to the point where I obsessed over it. so I thought a short break was just what I needed. But then I got an idea for a new query that's voicier than the other versions and I think this is going to be the one I mail out. The rewrite is coming along slowly again, but I still don't know how this story ends.

Assassin's Wife:
Status: Writers' block
Last week: 17,000 words
This week: 17,000 words

I did do a little bit of work on AW this week. I finally broke down and wrote a scene that I've been dying to write out of order and now I have to figure out what comes before that. I know what needs to happen, I just don't know how yet. That, and I haven't figured out how to describe the room that they're in. I'll figure it out eventually, but in the meantime I have writers' block.

No Kissing:
Status: Severe writers' block
Last week: 11,000 words
This week: 11,000 words

I'm seriously considering trunking this one for something that's actually going to show progress. I had an idea for a new plot detail that brings a minor character into a bigger position, but it didn't seem to help my writers' block much. I just don't know where this story is going right now and even if I do manage to figure it out and finish, it's probably going to require a major rewrite to fix the meandering plot. I might trunk it for awhile for a time when I'm less busy and I can start all over with a clean slate.

Status: Going very well!
Last week: 10,000 words
This week: 15,000 words

As I think you can see, Jump has been going very well! If Destiny's trunked, this one's going to become my main project. I just love this story and Hannah, even if she is a bit of brat sometimes and messes up my plans. I'm hoping that this one will continue to progress and that I can be querying soon. Depending on how Destiny goes, this one could be my entry to Amazon's Breakthrough Novel Contest (I didn't get to enter this year so I really want to enter next year.)

That's all for this week! Hope everyone has a great day :)


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