Week in Short

And what a short week it's been! I can't believe Friday is here already. And what a rainy, nasty Friday it is...

Probably not going to get much done this weekend. Going to a very big, very expensive college tomorrow with my uncle and the youth group and then going hiking Sunday if it ever stops raining. Finished reading Nation last night, review of that coming up on Thursday. Now I get to turn my attention to Confessions of a Serial Kisses. By going tomorrow, I'm missing out on Moneigh's maiden race and Quality Road's Travers. Of course, I can always watch them on replay when I get home, but I like to watch races live...

Not a lot of posts this week, but we do have a must read!

Must Read: Rachelle Gardner had a great post uncovering some of the myths and facts of publishing this week.

Contest: Rachelle Gardner is hosting her own guest blog challenge to choose guest blogs for every Thursday through the end of the year. Entries close Friday, September 4th. I'm off to brainstorm and see if I can come up with anything great.

BookEnds agent, Jessica,
has her opinions on idea theft and a very interesting post regarding an author's question on why agents don't just request fulls instead of partials to save time.

has some examples of awesome hooks for YA books. I'm tempted to add a few of these to my 'must read' list.

Nathan Bransford as his own post about how a book gets published.

Querytracker has explanations of children's books from picture books to young adult.

Pimp My Novel has a post on Border's trouble. *panics* You'll have to excuse me while I run to the nearest Borders and make sure it doesn't close. All my book shopping happens at Borders! The nearest BN is a half hour's drive away in a city that I go to maybe two or three times a year.

Pub Rants with Kristin tells us about auctions.

I'm off to try to stop procrastinating and actually work on something while I have the opportunity. My notebook will be with me Saturday and Sunday (of course) but I still prefer the laptop when writing.

And one last rant...WHY is it that the nearest bookstore that has Break in stock is over an hour's drive??? I can't wait until I can order books off Amazon... That is all. :) Have a great weekend everyone!


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