Week in Short

I'm going camping starting Sunday. Five days with no showers, no bathrooms, no internet, and most importantly, no writing. Though of course I'll be taking along a notebook and pencil. I'll schedule posts tomorrow before I leave but there will be no teaser or Week in Short.

Song of the week: I'll Make a Man Out of You from the movie Mulan. I'm addicted to it right now. I blame Mae for sharing an epic Doctor Who video set to the song. I swear the chorus could actually have been written for the Doctor.

Must read:
Distancing yourself from a manuscript
You might be a writer/agent/publisher if...
20 tips for attending SCBWI conferences

If literary agent, Natalie Fischer, gets 1,000 Twitter followers she'll start accepting email queries! Though, I don't know why you aren't following her already.

Eclipse in 15 minutes!
Enough said.

Jessica Faust is closing to queries until September (also shares her query recap)

Updated writers guide to Twitter

Blood-Red Pencil:
Self-editing tips
Connecting with your characters

Guide to Literary Agents:
Seven questions to ask yourself before starting a writers group

Johnson Literary:
June query stats

Pimp My Novel:
Comp titles

YA Highway:
Phoebe North on negative reviews


This is the part where I usually talk about how my writing is going. I'm going to skip that today and talk about it when I get back. Hopefully by then I'll have decided what's going where.

Have an awesome weekend!


That Doctor Who video is hilarious.
Char. said…
Hey, the Great Outdoors can be a fabulous place for writing! Take advantage of it, have fun, and enjoy yourself.

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