Character Crushes

If you're reading this on Monday, at this moment I am either hanging out in a tent, tramping through the woods, or swimming in the ice-cold river. I thought this would be a fun post.

Team Edward. Team Gale. Team Peeta. Team Jace. Team George. Team Jonathan. Team Jacob.

We all pick teams of our favorite male MCs. We wait and hope that they end up with the guy we want them to because he's so clearly perfect for her. Today's question is: "Who is your character crush?"

I have a lot of them, but here are my main three.
  • Jace (Mortal Instruments trilogy) -- I'm a sucker for his sarcasm. Being hot doesn't hurt.
  • George (Tamora Pierce's Alana quartet) -- I don't think he really requires any explanation.
  • Cabel (Wake series) -- He's such a sweetheart even after everything that he's been through. The mysterious bad-boy thing helps.
Gale and Peeta aren't on this list because I haven't picked what team I'm on yet. They're both so awesome. This is the first time I haven't been able to pick a team. (I'm secretly leaning towards Gale.)

Spill. Who's your character crush? I look forward to hearing about them when I get back. =D


Nomes said…
I know what you mean about the hunger games. I can't help but go for Gale, although I know I'm in the minority. I just loved him from the first chapter and I think about him a lot even in the chapters he's not present, wondering about him watching the games, etc. But, will feel devastated for Peeta too, you know, if he doesnt get her... even though, Gale better get her. you know what i mean.

I love elizabeth scotts boys: Will from Perfect You (cool, so cool) and Greg from Stealing heaven (just about perfection).

Cameron Quick from Sara Zarr'a Sweethearts is pretty le sigh. :) although the book itself isn't a romance, I just love the character.

Seb from the year of secret assignments FTW!

Kartik from the Gemma Doyle Trilogy, Sam from Shiver, Nawat from the Trickster books. And of course, the ultimate literary crush, Mr. Darcy. :D

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