Writing Wednesday

Can't honestly say that was my best birthday. Because it definitely wasn't. I was on a writing roll and then my annoying mother (who seems to have a habit of yanking me away from the computer whenever I'm on a roll) made me go into town with her. So we could buy her a bathing suit for this weekend's to the water park (for my birthday) and tennis shoes. We went to the bookstore where I spent about twenty minutes trying to decide between ordering Handcuffs or buying Graceling, I'd Tell You I Love You, or Wake since I was only allowed to get one book. I ordered Handcuffs since I'm not going to be allowed to read anything else until 1984 is done. Mom and grandpa spent the entire ride home talking about politics (which is a depressing subject in general at the moment.)

We went home and I have an email from my brother and sister-in-law who have a baby girl that's just seven months old. My brother's been laid off and my sister-in-law's coworker has cancer so she's been working a lot and they don't think they can come up this August like they'd planned and that means they won't get to see me nor me them.

So basically I've been pretty depressed all last night and this morning. Trying to get some writing done, but not sure if it's going to happen.

Let's see how the WIPs are doing.

I had a pretty good week of writing over the last week. My best day was Monday with 4,380 words while I was working on Destiny and my worst were Thursday and Saturday with 0 words each. Though on Saturday I actually had a reason.

Last week's count: Polished at chapter 6 and 54,000 words.
This week's count: Polished at chapter 7 and 62,000 words

I seriously thought this rewrite was going to be done yesterday. It might've actually happened if my mom hadn't pulled me away from the computer. I had a plan to write one day in the book every day in real life, and if I did, then I could've finished on the 31st. I'm really going to have to do a lot of writing to make my goal now. Oh and even though it says I got another chapter beta-ed and polished, I really didn't. I split chapter one in half and that's how that happened. Hopefully I'll have a finished WIP to report next week!

Assassin's Wife:
Last week's count: 15,000
This week's count: 15,000

This one's just plain stuck. I've thought about working on it a couple times, but Destiny's more important right now. So until Destiny's finished I'm just going to let this one stew. I don't want to trunk it without finishing because it is a good story.

No Kissing:
Last week's count: 11,000
This week's count: 11,000

This one's pretty much the same as AW at the moment: stuck, but too good to be trunked.

Last week's count: 6,000
This week's count: 10,000

I made some major progress with this one last Thursday. It seems to grow in spurts. I can go a good two weeks without writing a single word and then one day BAM! an idea hits me and the words just fly onto the page. I've been itching to work on it since, but I'm restricted to Destiny until it's done. Then Jump is going to become my main concern.

That's all! :) I hope to have some awesome news for you soon, though I probably won't wait until Wednesday to share it if "The End" gets written on Destiny any time soon.


Ami The Salami said…
You really HAVE to read Love You/Kill You. I was actually just thinking about asking you if I could try to get an interview with Ally Carter for the twiftie blog :)

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