Week in Short

What a LONG week it has been! Here's to hoping that next week will be better. Let's take a look at some of the highlights of the publishing blogosphere... There are a lot of them this week.

This week's Must Read was posted today at Guide to Literary Agents on how to write a synopsis. I'm not sure about the 7-8 page thing since the usual range I hear is actually 2-3 pages, but it's excellent advice nonetheless.

BookEnds has an excellent ice cream metaphor for the meaning of different. By the way, does anyone know if Strawberry Marscapone ice cream with Sugar Cookie Chunks exists yet? Because it sounds delicious...

And Miss Snark's First Victim is throwing another Secret Agent contest over at her blog! Submissions begin Monday so check that out! I can't enter because YA fantasy isn't accepted and I have nothing query ready anyway...

There's a great list of query do's and dont's over at Query Tracker this week.

And one of Nathan Bransford's guest posters over at his blog this week sheds some light on book sales. Check that out to see what happens a book when all the writer's, agent's, and editor's hard work is over.

The Rejector answers some manuscript formatting questions this week.

Writer Unboxed's new contributor Ann Aguirre has a wonderful post this week on doing what works.

The Public Query Slushpile is branching off from their usual queries to post a short interview with agent, Jessica Faust.

BookEnds has a wonderful post on how to know if an agent is right for you and also a post on the trouble with 'will respond by' times.

Writer Unboxed has a post on the payoff of being on the best seller list, something a lot of writers dream about.

And last, but not least, another helpful post for those that are writing queries: the BookEnds blog has a post on what they think about rhetorical questions.

All right I need to go freak out because I just saw a spider hanging from the ceiling a foot away from my face (I HATE that). Everyone have an awesome weekend and I'll be back on Monday!


madeline said…
I really like the idea of showing us what everyone has posted. Plus looking at the new releases.

Sorry, I've been stalking this blog for a while actually. Looking at your posts, but haven't actually commented lol.

:) Will comment more!

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