Writing Wednesday

After finishing beta-ing an amazingly awesome full and catching up on blog posts, it's time for WW again...

I've done quite a lot of writing over the past week, mostly on Andra. My best day was Monday with 3,969 words (I seriously thought I might've had a chance to finish Andra that day, but didn't even come close) and my worst days were Wednesday and Thursday of last week with 0 words.


Last week's count: Polished at chapter 6 and 45,000 words
This week's count: Polished at chapter 6 and 54,000 words
As you can see, Andra's been growing very well lately. Unfortunately I haven't seen my beta in almost a week so polishing has slowed to a stop. I've polished it myself through chapter 9, but I don't consider it complete until I've had it beta-ed as well. The query that I've been working on somewhat has been declared complete and ready to be sent as soon as I figure out a new title. If anyone has a suggestion, let me know because I'm completely lost in this area. Once I figure out a title, it's pretty much stuck. I've never had to change it before...

There's no change in word count with any of my other WIPs. They've pretty much all come to a screeching halt. I blame a combination of writers' block and my current desire to get Andra rewritten and query-ready.

Assassin's Wife:

I think I did a little work on it sometime last week, but it was only a few sentences. I'm at a very major event and I just haven't figured out what's going to happen yet.

No Kissing:
I pulled out my 100 question sheet and started on it for Aislinn. Now I have a very good idea of her past and her voice, but I haven't figured out the most important part: how she became a Dreamwalker. I'm sure my subconscious will figure it out someday. I've been doing some loose brainstorming, but nothing yet.

I have no idea what happened to this baby. I'm thinking about putting her on the shelf for a while and seeing if I can come back to her when Andra's done. I love the concept and what I have so far, but I just seem to be stuck.

That's all I have for this week! Hopefully when I come in next week Andra's rewrite will be complete and I'll have some query-related news to report. Until then, how are everyone else's projects/WIPs coming along?


Celise said…
So you need help with title? Give us something to work with. Maybe you should host a contest--or create a separate post. What's the book about? Can you post the back cover blurb?

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