Beta Readers: Part One - Why Do You Need a Beta Reader?

I'm going to start a five part series today on beta readers. The first subject is: Why do you need a beta reader?

The answer is: You don't. It's as simple as that. You don't have to have a beta reader. No one's saying you can't submit something to an agent that's only been read by you. Should you? I don't think so. A beta reader has many advantages and disadvantages.

I've been beta reading for several months now. I enjoy beta reading for others and having others beta read my own work. It's very beneficial for both parties.

  1. A beta reader can see your work objectively. Some writers are too close to their own work to notice something as simple as a misplaced comma or misused word. Or there might be a huge plot hole that you are just too close to see. Good beta readers can pick these mistakes up.
  2. There might be something that you haven't explained properly. For example, in Andra the secret police are known as Bevak. In early drafts I didn't explain it enough for the reader to understand. I didn't realize this until a beta pointed it out because I already knew what the Bevak was. So I didn't see the need to explain it more.
  3. You get a second (hopefully honest) opinion on your work.
  4. You can find someone that knows things you don't. For example, I knew very little about pacing. So I could've found a beta that was good at deciding whether the pacing was good and not too slow or fast.

  1. One disadvantage is when the beta reader has a different vision for the story than you do. Perhaps they think a plot point doesn't work within the story. That part might not necessarily be bad, it's just not what the beta reader was expecting. Like readers and endings. Some readers will hate an ending (*cough*BreakingDawn*cough*) because it wasn't what they wanted/expected.
  2. There's also the risk of having a beta reader that steals your work, but fortunately those beta readers are in the minority. Make sure you trust 100% the beta reader you choose. Not to scare you off finding one, just to make you aware of the possibility.
Thanks to Red at TWFT for helping me with disadvantages. :)

Next week will be "Beta Readers: Part Two - How to Find a Beta Reader"


Celise said…
Ooohh, I'm so glad you're covering this. Looking forward to Part Two.

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