Week in Short

I'm curled up in my chair trying to get some work done and get over this bug, whatever it is. I have a feeling it's a minor case of food poisoning and I'm hoping that I can fight it off soon so I can get some real work done over here. But in the meantime, we have WiS.

Must Read:
Hannah Moskowitz guest blogged about what to do when you get an offer for representation over at Kathleen Ortiz's blog.

Blood-Red Pencil:
Common dialogue mistakes

Thoughts on memoirs

How to collaborate with a co-writer
10 questions to ask before you sign with an agent.

Janet Reid:
Subject lines

Story Flip:
Revising dialogue

Writer Unboxed:
Posting work online
Writers' conference tips

Not much news in the way of writing this week. It was another insanely busy week for me. Only one a half more months left in school...

Jump -- I'm slowly getting out of the checking inbox every few seconds phase and progressing to checking it once in a while.

Double-Crossed -- Has hit 2k. I have the next scene outlined, I just need to find the time to work on it. I do really love Raye though. She's an awesome character to play with.

Guardian -- If anyone sees Cara, tell her I need to speak with her. I'll be pulling out the character interview sheet tonight and starting from the top.

Three Days -- Cam's been wandering around my brain the last few days. I'm afraid she might have something to say.

Everyone have an awesome rest of the weekend and I'll be back on Monday! *sinks deeper into the chair*


Elana Johnson said…
Excellent linkage! Thanks. :)

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