Year in Short

Time for my second annual Year in Short post! I can't believe 2010's over already... It seems like just yesterday we were debating on whether to call it Twenty-Ten or Two Thousand and Ten.

News that rocked the publishing world:
Amazon offered Bookscan access to authors
The controversy that is James Frey's book factory
Nathan Bransford left publishing as an agent
Speak Loudly was born when Laurie Halse Anderson's book, Speak, was challenged
Moonrat left Editorial Ass
The first ever WriteOnCon took place

Comparison doesn't work
Writing through the doubt
Understanding the imposter in us all
5 articles on perseverance
Defeating your inner critic part 1 and part 2
So you want to be a riter?
Courage in the face of fell circumstances
When you should quit writing
Don't you dare give up
Going from good to great

Unleash your creative genius through dreams
References and dating your manuscript
It's all about the details
5 strange ways for dealing with writer stress
Skeletal first drafts
The magic of setting

Quick grammar review
All-important first chapter
Cleaning out the cobwebs
Common writing maladies
Laurie Halse Anderson's revisions on Wintergirls
Distracting yourself from a manuscript

Beta Readers:
The importance of having an alpha reader
Tips for both sides
Six ways to provide gracious feedback in critiques

Transformation of Amy Lukavic's query
How to write a query letter
How to revise and resubmit
Other project one-liners in query?

What happens when it is you -- the blinding truth from an on-submission writer Natalie Whipple
On learning, growing, and surviving -- Mandy Hubbard's response to Natalie's post
Talking to agents and editors at conferences
Hannah Moskowitz's agent story part 1, part 2, and part 3
Who decides titles and cover art?
20 tips for attending SCBWI conferences
The process of a book: 16 steps to publication
Writing contests: Always read the fine print

101 form rejection projects for a rainy day
You might be an agent/publisher/writer if...

Real world:
Dystopian and the real world
Need vs love
The other: I'm not it

Violence in children's literature -- particularly Mockingjay
Sexual double standards in literature
One question you should never ask yourself while reading
Good guys or bad guys? How about neither?

Social networking:
Writers guide to Twitter
10 commandments of social networking for writers

Agent Q&As:
Tina Wexler
Natalie Fischer

What you could learn about writing from J.K. Rowling
Learning from the masters

It's time to say goodbye to 2010 and hello to 2011! Everyone stay safe on this wonderful New Year's Eve and I'll see you next year!


Erin said…
Write, great post! Thanks for sharing! Happy New Year!

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