Week in Short

Hope everyone had a great week and is surviving the Snowpocalypse.

Song of the week:
Up by Shania Twain

Hannah Moskowitz's Gone, Gone, Gone cover has been revealed!

The Hunger Games movie has a release date!

Something about voice
More on author-agent relationship

Querying the cliche

Rachelle Gardner:
Dilemma of a prolific writer

The Strangest Situation:
Before I Die: Coming to terms with dying

Post for procrastinators

In Movies:
  • Beauty & the Briefcase -- One of those made-for-TV movies that's kinda stupid but you watch it anyway. The ending was pretty great, though.
  • Latter Days -- Directing could've been better, but this is still a fantastic story
  • Miss Congeniality -- This is the second time I've seen it, but it's still a good movie
In Writing:
BB's revisions continued and I'm getting more and more excited about how it's coming along. I've also come to the conclusion that CT (Cardinal Three) is going to be my next WIP. I wrote the first 500 words on it this week, though it's technically still in the outlining stages.

Everyone have a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday!


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