RTW - Summer Escapes

Road Trip Wednesday is a ‘Blog Carnival,’ where YA Highway's contributors post a weekly writing- or reading-related question that begs to be answered. In the comments, you can hop from destination to destination and get everybody's unique take on the topic. We'd love for you to participate! Just answer the prompt on your own blog and leave a link - or, if you prefer, you can include your answer in the comments. 

Next week’s topic: 
In this month's Bookmobile selection--OVER YOU by Amy Reed--the main character and her best friend try to escape their problems with a summer trip to Nebraska. 
If you could escape somewhere (anywhere!) for the summer, where would it be?

There are a lot of places I'd escape for the summer. I'm seriously considering saving up for a road trip the summer after my senior year of college (which will hopefully also be the summer before grad school). I've never been farther west than Wisconsin and I'd love to see something else. 

Therefore, my first pick is out west. I'd love to spend some time in Colorado, Montana, Utah, maybe California for a week or two. Probably not too far south, but I'd like to see as much as I can. Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon and the Pacific Ocean.

There's always Alaska, because I'd rather see it in the summer than the winter. And a little closer to home, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. If you've never been, the entire area is gorgeous. Lots of forests and mountains and, of course, Lake Superior.

Getting out of the country, I'd love to spend a summer abroad, the UK in particular. See as much of it as I can, starting with London.


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