Monday Updates: July 29

This is my last Monday Updates post. As of next Monday, I'm going to start up my college tips weekly blog on Mondays, since it's almost the school year. 

Song of the Week: Here's to Us by Halestorm

How's Life?
Well, there are only two days left in July and I'm still trying to figure out where the rest of my summer went. Seriously, it can't almost be August, can it?

How's TV? 
Watched the series finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Friday. There was a point in the middle where I wanted to just stop because I didn't want the series to end. It was a fantastic finale, definitely one of my favorites. Now I'm trying to decide which on my long list should I watch next.

Silver Linings Playbook is an amazing movie. I already knew Jennifer Lawrence was a fantastic actress but she still managed to surprise me.

Taken 2 isn't nearly as good as the first one, but it's a decent movie overall. 

How's Reading?
Books read: 0
I'm not doing very well reading-wise again. I blame Buffy. I'm currently working my way through a reread of The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan, followed by a reread of Sea of Monsters in preparation for the movie coming out next week.

How's Writing? 
Total words: 2,738
Best day: 1,153
Been writing off and on this week, still no new WIP but that's okay. I might wait until I'm settled in at school before I start anything new. I don't want to get into a rhythm with revisions or writing and then have to break it if I don't have to.


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