Monday Updates: July 22

How's Life? 
It's that time of year again. The time when I'm counting down the time I have left before I return to school in weeks instead of months. It won't be long and it'll be in days. I'm looking forward to the new semester, but at the same time there's still so much to do before I'm ready to leave.

In other news, another year, another Comic Con that I'm not at. (Someday! *shakes fist*) And J.K. Rowling was outed as the author of The Cuckoo's Calling under the pen name Robert Galbraith. I need to get my hands on that book.
    How's TV? 
    The first trailers  for 12 Years a Slave and The Fifth Estate were released and also a new trailer for Catching Fire. So many amazing movies and so little time.

    Went to see Despicable Me 2 yesterday and really enjoyed it. I tend to be cautious about animated sequels (or, really, any sequels) but it was great, hilarious movie. I also watched Man on a Ledge and it's a brilliant movie. If you like a good action movie that makes you think, check it out.

    I'm tearing through the last few seasons of Buffy. I finished seasons four and five (or, as I'm referring to it, the Season of Tears) and now I'm seven episodes into season six. Once I get started it's really hard to stop. And "Once More, With Feeling" is the mother of all musical episodes. It was AWESOME.
      How's Reading? 
      Books read: 0
      Not well. Reading Sense and Sensibility is going slowly. I would have hit halfway this morning but my Kobo died so now I have to wait for it to charge. Once I get there, I'm going to move back into my book stack again. 

      How's Writing?
      Total: 5,702 words
      Best Day: 2,964
      Still don't have anything concrete with a new WIP or revisions as of yet. Just some short stories and some worldbuilding scenes for what could be a new WIP if I can hammer out a plot.


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