Doctor Who Series Seven Fall Review

Anyone who has known me for more than a few days knows that I'm completely obsessed with the show. My dorm room is plastered with posters, I have an Adipose toy, and I own both Ten and Eleven's sonic screwdrivers.

The fall series ended on Saturday. Here is my episode-by-episode review of the season so far.


Asylum of the Daleks
I'm so psyched for this series! Steven Moffat delivers another great premiere. I was really worried about the new companion because she didn't look like one to me but I'm not worried any more. I'm kind of in love with her and I can't wait to see how she becomes the new companion. Rory and Amy broke my heart in this one. I JUST WANT THEM TO HAVE A HAPPY ENDING. WHY IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK?

Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Love. So much. Amy is a total badass in this episode. Also I love Rory and Rory's dad and Lestrade and Queen Nefertiti. So much awesomeness in one episode! It's dinosaurs. On a spaceship! I'm a little terrified of Amy and the Doctor's conversation where she talks about how she's scared that something is going to happen to him and she'll always be waiting for him to come back. I have a feeling it means that something terrible is going to have to happen so that she realizes that she can't wait for him.

A Town Called Mercy
Not the best but good nonetheless. It drives me insane that everyone seems to have forgotten the Doctor's hatred of guns. I love Amy telling the Doctor that they need to be better than the town's doctor/assassin.

Power of Three
Such a great episode. I love Rory's dad so much, and not just because I'm still thinking of him as Mr. Weasley. The cubes were a seriously brilliant, although terrifying, idea. I just really want Amy and Rory to be happy and I loved when they started making long-term plans. I also loved seeing the Doctor trying to act normal while he was waiting for the cubes to react.

Angels Take Manhattan
My heart. It's broken. The scene where Amy decided to let the Angel take her so that she could go back in time to Rory made me sob. In front of people. I actually screamed out loud when Amy and Rory jumped off the roof. I'm surprised the RA didn't come running in to see if we were being murdered.  In other news, I will never be able to go to Manhattan. I can't believe the Angels turned the Statue of Liberty into a giant Weeping Angel. I was sure that after Don't Blink, Time of Angels, and Flesh and Stone there was no possible way to make the Angels creep me out anymore than they already did. But the baby Angels? *shivers*

It's still breaking my heart that the Doctor promised to bring Amy and Rory back safe...and then he couldn't.



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