Week in Short

I hope everyone had a great week! I'm quickly remembering how little free time there is in college. The Doctor Who premiere last week was fantastic and I'm psyched for the new one tomorrow.

Song of the Week: "True to Your Heart" from Mulan

Must read:  
Janet Reid: Question Emporium

Should you have multiple email accounts?

#226 - YA romance

Villains: the guys you love to hate
How to be a know-it-all 

Rick Riordan:
The making of a graphic novel

Write on Edge:
Research and the art of eavesdropping

Writer Beware:
7 freelance writing scams and how to fight them 
Electronic distribution and control of creative material

Have a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday!


Unknown said…
Big fan of Riordan's and graphic novels, so definitely will check out his graphic novel. :-)

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