
Ahhh NaNoWriMo. If you have no idea what that is, you're missing out. NaNo is National Novel Writing Month, when writers sacrifice their sanity and personal life for one month in an attempt to write an entire 50,000 word novel. NaNo takes place during November, which means it is 14 days away. :D

If you'd like more information about NaNo visit

My name on there is (unsurprisingly) Horserider.

I have never officially done NaNo. Whether or not I actually did or not last year is debatable. I did start Destiny in November and I did finish it at 100k in December, but I didn't actually know about NaNo at the time. So this will be my first official year of participation!

Some things you can do to prepare:

1. Use a '100 questions for your character sheet.' (I've got one for Katie, my MC for my NaNo project.)

2. Outline.

3. Character bios.

4. Character pictures.

5. Anything you want, as long as you don't start the novel until November 1st! And the good news for this year is, October 31st is on a Saturday. So everyone that has to get up for work/school on Monday gets to stay up until midnight for the start too! Well, at least I plan to. :D


Celise said…
I'm attempting NaNoWriMo for the second time this year. I tried to do it a couple of years ago and don't remember what happened. But I've been doing the outlining thing (something I don't normally do) with help from a co-worker friend. I think it's going to be hard to write everyday, including weekends. I'm in school right now, trying to crank out a research paper!

I'll be sure to look you up. My name on there is DravensMom. Good luck!
Anonymous said…
Nooooo why November? All my exams are in November (hate hate hate).
What is this '100 questions for my character'?
m said…
Well, I have 3 exams in November, but the great thing is that the first two exams are in the 1st week of November (so I get them out of the way), and the last November exam is in the last week of November.
Shelby said…
I'll be doing this too.. so excited. cheers! and good luck :)

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