Writing Wednesday

It's Writing Wednesday again. I think. It is Wednesday, right? *checks date on computer* Yep. It is. :D During the school year what day of the week it is is important. Because, you know, on Tuesday it's three more days until the weekend. On Friday it's counting down the hours until that two days of freedom. But during the summer it's just, 'what day is it? Oh, really? Cool.' It doesn't matter if it's Tuesday or Friday or Monday because pretty much every day is the same. Wake up, do whatever it was you had planned that day, go to sleep.

I watched Prince Caspian last night (yes, this is important. To me). I love that movie. Yes, I cried when they had to leave. Just like I do every time I see that movie. But I can't help it. Who doesn't love Ben Barnes? (unless you're a guy I suppose)

ANYWAY getting away from Ben's wonderful hair in that movie...

Andra - Rewrite is now on Chapter 11. I'm kind of stuck especially since I'm not 6 chapters ahead of my beta...

Black Diamond and Shipwrecked - Have both started calling me again. But I'm not allowed to touch them until I start querying Andra. Which will be September at this rate when I go back to school and probably won't have much time for rewriting anyway. *sighs*

Assassin's Wife - is going again! Prince Caspian helped me get past my writers' block and I wrote four pages. Which is a lot if you think that I haven't even opened it since June 7th and haven't actually written on it since long before that.

No Kissing - I wrote a page or two on this too a few days ago, but it's pretty much stuck again.

Jump - Has been on the backburner for quite a while. I'm getting up to a very traumatizing part of the story for Hannah which starts the chain of events leading to her attempted suicide so I'm definitely not looking forward to writing it. But I will, eventually.

I'm off now! Trying to decide between working on Andra, Assassin's Wife, or this new beta project that I received this morning and am looking forward to diving into.

P.S. - Since I'm now posting on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday I'm trying to think of something to do on Thursdays. If you have any suggestions, let me know.


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