When Fanfiction Goes Too Far

I was thinking about what to write tonight and got this idea. Now I enjoy writing fanfiction as much as the next fanfic writer. I'm writing the next chapter for my favorite fic right now. It gives me instant gratification and allows me to exercise my writing creativity with someone else's characters. I love writing with my own, but sometimes it's just fun to borrow someone else's for awhile. It's like taking your best friend's new car for a spin around the driveway. You'll bring it back, but it's just fun to enjoy the moment. (Not that I've ever taken my best friend's car for a spin since I still can't drive alone legally.) If anyone has ever thought "I wouldn't do that. I'd write the ending like this..." then that's what it's like to be a fanfic writer. But fanfiction is all fine and dandy until someone goes a step too far.

Take the recent announcement of "Russet Noon" a fan-written sequel. Now Russet Noon isn't just another fanfic, it's an actual book that is going to be published by an actual publisher. If you haven't heard it here's the website and here's a news story. If you want more information, a Google search of "Russet Noon" receives over 200,000 results.

Anyway, Russet Noon is illegal. This story is written from Jacob Black's point of view and apparently picks up after Breaking Dawn. Jacob, Bella, Renesmee, Edward, etc are all from Stephenie Meyer's imagination. They are her characters and making money off of them in the form of a published fanfic is not only immoral, it's illegal.

Remember when a Harry Potter fan tried to publish the Harry Potter Lexicon two years ago and the lawsuit that followed? If you haven't and want to know about it, read here. I'm still waiting for a J.K. Rowling published Lexicon. Unless it got published and I missed it for various reasons.

Russet Noon is due for release in 13 days and only time will tell what happens. Just remember that fanfiction can go too far.

ETA: I stand corrected. The HP Lexicon did get published. :) Which means I need to go hunting for it.


Actually, the Harry Potter Lexicon book was published in January. Sometimes it's easy to miss the rest of the story ...

Rachael said…
Oooo thanks for the correction. :) *wants Lexicon* I must've missed that story. I didn't even realize that lawsuit was two years old already.

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