Week in Short

Yay, happy Friday everyone :) Which means not only is today WiS, it also means that the new Doctor Who is tomorrow! It's the first half of the series finale and to say I'm excited would be an understatement. My life's been revolving around the World Cup and writing lately. Except I keep missing the WC games. I completely missed Slovenia/USA this morning which did not make me at all happy. I did however see Mexico crush France. =D

Songs of the Week: Crazy Town by Jason Aldean [Kind of reminds me of the publishing industry and the journey aspiring authors go through]
Kiss Kiss by Holly Valance [Long story. Don't ask. I don't know why I'm addicted to it.]

Must Read:
How to grab an agent's attention in a query at Querytracker
Maggie Stiefvater on revisions [I'm bookmarking this one]
Querytracker contest follow-up by Kathleen Ortiz

WriteOnCon vlog + info + awesome giveaway = Elana Johnson's post!
Steph Su Reads summer giveaway #2
Emilia's AWESOME summer giveaway!
Paranormal Five ARC giveaway!

In case you missed it yesterday, the FIRST EVER TRAILER for Voyage of the Dawn Treader was released Thursday in the very early hours of the morning. It's EPIC. Prince Caspian's my favorite movie of the series, but it looks like this one might take over that title.
Wake series is being turned into a movie series!!! Except Miley Cyrus might be taking the lead (Janie).
New agent, Amanda Luedeke of MacGregor Literary

Blood Red Pencil:
Magical realism
Deep PoV mistakes and how to fix them part 1 and part 2

What it takes to become an agent

Interview with Elana Johnson

Mandy Hubbard:
What she looks for in opening pages
When to give up


Successful young adult query

Manuscript length

Rachelle Gardner:
Differing advice in signing with agents
Dealing with contradictory feedback

Writer Unboxed:
Don't give up

YA Highway:
Interview with Jennifer Laughran
World-building even outside fantasy

ARML -- Revisions are in full swing. I finished the first read-through last night. Revision list is about four pages long. Not too bad considering Jump's was like 7-9 pages, but most of what's wrong with ARML is consistently wrong throughout the entire book. I'll probably start in on real revisions sometime today or this weekend. Hoping to have round one finished by the end of next week at the latest.

Summer Fling -- 30k. No, this isn't a new WiP. I decided to rename Three Days because the title was too long. The full title is Not Just a Summer Fling. It's not official because I haven't gotten around to changing the name on the word document and folder yet, but it will be soon. Planning on getting some wordage in on her over the weekend. We're still not quite halfway through the story yet. Still going too fast and needs to slow down. I need to figure out a couple of extra things I can throw at her to slow down the pace.

Fire -- 22k. She's almost complete. I'm past the climax and onto the point where I'm trying to figure out exactly how to end it. This is probably the first time ever I've made it this far without knowing what the ending is. Usually the ending comes to me about three-quarters through the book and I have that before I have the climax. There's going to be some massive adding of wordage in revisions for this one. Like double the current word count massive.

After the Jump -- 3.6k. This one's coming along rather slow but I think that's because my focus is partly on other things right now. She'll probably be the main focus once Summer Fling or Fire are complete and out of the writing picture.

Everyone have an awesome weekend! I'm off to see if I can watch the England/Algeria match. =D


Nomes said…
This post is especially awesome. Wow. Off to check out some links.

And, Voyage of the Dawn Treader FTW!

...oh, and Miley Cyrus? As Janey? Hmmm...

ps. I left you an award @ my blog :)

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