What's Up Wednesday: September 3

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop created by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk to help writers stay in touch.
What I'm Reading: 
I'm so happy to be able to say that I actually am reading again. I finished Wild Magic by Tamora Pierce last night, the first book I've finished since June 19. It may have been my billionth reread but that book never gets old. I have the whole quartet on my shelf and I will be doing a complete reread at some point. I've already started Micro by Michael Crichton and Richard Preston. It's a tad-bit science heavy but also creepy and I'm enjoying it so far.

What I'm Writing: 
Slowly getting back in the groove of working on LP again. I have the whole next part planned out in my head, so it's just a matter of getting the words on the page. It's hit 35k, the halfway point of my goal of 70k. 

What Inspires Me: 
Today it's the weather. After several days of clouds and rain, it's sunny and warm today. Makes me wish that I could go work outside, but I need my laptop for that. I guess I'll settle for opening all the windows.

What Else I've Been Up To: 
My roommates and I planned to take a day trip over the holiday weekend, but then it rained the whole time so we ended up staying home. I should have gotten work done but instead our weekend turned into a giant movie marathon, including the LOTR trilogy and the X-Men trilogy + First Class. I also finally introduced them to Pacific Rim, my third favorite movie of all time, so now I can finally make references without getting strange looks. 

Have a great week everyone!


Miss Cole said…
Congratulations hitting 35k :D Enjoy the weather, too ^_^ Writing by an open window on a sunny day sounds lovely.
ELAdams said…
Congrats on hitting the halfway mark! Movie marathons are the best. ^_^
Jana Denardo said…
Congrats on making it to the half way mark and that's a great movie marathon
Kris F. Oliver said…
Glad you got some sunny weather! But rainy day movie marathons are the best!

Good luck with the writing this week!

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