What's Up Wednesday: August 6

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop created by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk to help writers stay in touch.

What I'm Reading: 
Nothing at the moment. The Horse Boy is a DNF. I did really want to see how it ended but it was dragging on a bit and my library books had to be returned whether I was done with them or not. Now I'm just doing a lot of reading of my GRE study book and grad school application information.

What I'm Writing: 
LP is progressing slowly. I'm up to a major turning point in the story and I'm still not quite sure how I'm going to pull it off. I'm also rough drafting my personal statement for applications. I can write 100k about a world completely of my own creation but when it comes to writing 1k about myself all of that just flies out the window.

What Inspires Me: 
Less than three weeks until classes start! I'm actually really excited. I love my friends and my professors and the routine of having a set schedule.

What Else I've Been Up To: 
Not much. I've been researching grad schools like crazy so I can decide on a final list of where I want to apply. Studying for the GRE. Cleaning because my girlfriend is staying at my house this weekend. There's just so much to do and so little time to do it.


laboyden said…
Good luck at school. It's so weird that people are going back soon and I'm not. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to go back, I just want everyone else to finish so I can have friends again. Thanks for sharing.
I hear what you're saying about writing about yourself. I can't write a bio about myself for the life of me. Even on my blog I've changed it a few times because I don't like what I've put down. For PitchWars coming up, they want us to do bio's and I'm already stressing out!
Have a great week!
Miss Cole said…
Writing about yourself is hard. Best of luck with that :D
ELAdams said…
Yep, writing about myself is definitely harder than writing a novel! :P Good luck! :)
Caitlin said…
Good luck on the GRE! I have to decide when/if I want to take them. I still am not sure what I want to do after this year. It's pretty scary. Hearing others going through the same process makes me feel much better, though. :)

Anonymous said…
Hey there. Sounds like you're busy with a lot. I get sad about the thought of returning a library book unfinished, especially if you were enjoying.

Good luck with the school stuff, especially grad schools.

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