Crap My Friends Say
It's the last week of the year and I've been keeping a running tally of strange/hilarious things that my friends have said throughout the year. Here are some of the highlights. All names have been removed to protect the funny. "If I was white, we wouldn't be having this discussion!" "You are white!" "I am pale! I am not white!" "I'm so mad I could punch a duck." "Do you want to see a pregnant fish?" Professor: "This is a chicken and egg situation." "Now if a baby says 'gaga' can that be considered a word?" "Well, the whole theory of the velociraptors..." "Hey, do you guys want to come dance in the rain with us?" "There is a dirt road. Ergo you live in the boondocks." "I do not live in the boondocks!" "There's dirt!" ... "There's trees !" "I thought you were going to say you like the sounds you make w...