Week in Short

Song of the Week: Somewhere Only We Know by the Glee cast (Warblers). I'm going through a Glee phase today. I can't seem to listen to anything else.

Must Read:

Too many agents, not enough gin: the truth about multiple offer situations
First draft syndrome symptoms
The Republic School District (which you may remember as the same school district that challenged Speak, Twenty Boy Summer, and Slaughterhouse-Five and banned the latter two) has now had a lawsuit filed against them after failing to protect a middle school girl after she was raped. Laurie Halse Anderson talks about it and provides several awesome links to coverage.

In an apparently long-line of offers to take books to famous names, PA set up a promotion where people could pay for them to show their books to J.K. Rowling and she knows. Here is PA's full response. Talk of the events ranges from Twitter, Galleycat, The Associated Press, and Publishers Weekly.

LinkHere are some of the highlights from WOC. If you missed it, check it out! The blog posts and vlogs are still available and there are transcripts of all of the live chats.
Here are recaps of day 1, day 2, and day 3

Janice Hardy:
Describing your first-person narrator

Pimp My Novel:
Keeping your butt in chair

Don't sweat the small stuff
War of the genres

Rachelle Gardner:
Poor sales can affect your future

Hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday!


Brittany said…
Great links! The PA incident kind of made me wonder how many people fell for it (I hope not too many!).

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