Week in Short

I cannot believe how fast this week went by. I managed to pick up a new show addiction: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Why did I wait so long to start watching this show?? I'm only on episode seven of season one (revisions got in the way), but I'm already in love with it. Especially Angel.

Song of the Week: Play On -- Carrie Underwood

Must Read:How to dig out of the Pit of Despair

Adventures in Agentland:
Everything you wanted to know about conferences and Natalie's NY trip

Meeting an agent at a conference

Advantages of keeping your day job

Nathan Bransford:
Five openings to avoid

#205 -- commercial fiction

Signing with the wrong agent

Tea & Biscuits:
What's in a name?

Everyone have a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday!


Ellen said…
Great post! Thanks for the useful links :)

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