Week in Short

Before we begin, I have a couple of announcements to make.

1. I'm taking Monday off blogging because of the holiday. Also, I'll be on vacation with family. Though I'm taking the laptop and have taken my mom's past troubles with hotel wi-fi as a challenge to figure out how it works.

2. I'm starting school on Tuesday (ugh). I'll still be blogging every day during the week, but I'm moving Week in Shorts to Saturday to give me extra time to catch up on blog posts without having to worry about it on top of Friday night football games.

Okay...on to this week!

Song of the week: Mine by Taylor Swift (Yes, I'm addicted. The video is adorable. *hides*)

Must Read:
Violence in young adult [I have a post scheduled about this myself for next week. I think I'm going to cancel it. Everything has already been said here.]
Skeletal first drafts
Hannah Moskowitz: The Agent Story part 1, part 2, and part 3
Learning from the masters

Banned Books Reading Challenge began Wednesday!

Adventures in Children's Publishing
Making the most of criticism

Exclusives are unwise

Successful query: Shadow Hills

Beta analogy using Lord of the Rings

Name dropping in dialogue
How to know when it works
Chapters and scenes and where to break

Mandy Hubbard:
What kind of career do you want?

Nathan Bransford:
First ideas

Rachelle Gardner:
Writing online book reviews

Pub Rants:
Interesting reason for a pseudonym

Story Flip:
What's the worst that could happen?

Writer Unboxed:
Interview with literary agent Elisabeth Weed

Query lessons to be learned from Princess Bride

Burning Bridges hit 35k last night. I was hoping to finish it before I went back to school, but I don't think that's going to happen. I'm thinking that it's going to be about 55k-60k all told.

Everyone have a wonderful holiday weekend. If you're on the coast, stay safe and dry. See you all Tuesday.


Katie Ashley said…
Aw, thanks for the love for the Lord of the Rings post!!!

Nice week in review too, btw.
Martina Boone said…
Thank you for the mention. We're thrilled to be among great posts this week :) Have an excellent holiday weekend!
Anonymous said…
Always have brilliant links!

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