
Showing posts from September, 2018

Almost Ten Years...

It's been almost ten years since I started this blog. My first post was back in January 2009. I can say a lot has changed since then. I graduated high school and college with my bachelor's degree. I moved out of my tiny hometown and into the city. I accepted my first full-time job.  Back in those days of 2009, I met a girl. Two months ago, she became my wife. Other things haven't changed. I'm still writing and still pursuing publication, although I can say I'm a lot more knowledgeable about both now than I was nine years ago. I'm still riding horses. Tamora Pierce and Rick Riordan are still two of my favorite authors. I've been listening to a lot of podcasts for writers lately and it's made me miss blogging. I know the writer blogosphere isn't as well-populated as it once was but it's one of my favorite platforms and I've decided to try--for real, not like I say I'm going to every New Year--blogging again. I'll be shooting...