What's Up Wednesday: March 5

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop created by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk to help writers stay in touch. It's spring break (though there's nothing spring about it) and I'm enjoying every minute of it.
What I'm Reading: 
Still making steady progress on Seraphina and I would really like to finish it within the next couple days. I've also started reading a beta read and Miguel Street by V.S. Naipaul for class. It's a quick read so far but oddly written. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it yet.

What I'm Writing: 
Weredragon revisions are done! I'm giving it a couple days break and then I'm going to compile it into a Word doc (I use Scrivener for drafting and revisions) so that I can give it a look-over and hopefully start querying again in the near future. It was my intention to think things over for a couple weeks before I started a new project, but then I got an idea (nicknamed Siren) and started work on it. It's going slowly so far, but I'm still figuring out the world.

What Inspires Me: 
My first day home I spotted a robin while walking in the woods. The temperatures and promise of snow may not be signs of spring, but the return of robins always gives me hope that warmth isn't far behind. Considering that it was negative something last night I would definitely not be adverse to that.

What Else I've Been Up To: 
Getting caught up on TV shows that I fell behind on during the past couple weeks because of classes. I'm five weeks behind on Almost Human at the moment, but since the season finale was Monday I'm not in a huge rush. I did manage to get caught up on both Arrow and NCIS, though. SHIELD finally returned yesterday, though at the time of writing this post I hadn't watched the episode yet. Also Once Upon a Time and OUAT: Wonderland are both coming back this week and I'm so ready to see where those shows are going.

Have a great week everyone!


Anonymous said…
Hmm. A robin. That's a good sign. I've been starting to think that Elsa from Frozen is holding us all captive, but maybe there is an end in sight.
I can't wait for both OUAT's to come back. I'm probably one episode behind on most of my shows, there's just never enough time to watch all the great TV!
Miss Cole said…
I *love* Arrow. It's a great show.

Hooray for completing your revisions. A short break is always a good idea. Go back to it fresh and ready :D

Have a great week!
ELAdams said…
Congrats on finishing revisions. Have a great week! :)
amy said…
I'm so happy that Once Upon A Time is coming back this Sunday. I love using Scrivener to draft but I still can't figure out the compile feature. If you have any tips I could sure use them. Good luck with your WIP! Have a great weekend!
Unknown said…
Yes, SHEILD Joss Weadon is my favorite!
prerna pickett said…
Congrats on finishing revisions! I hope spring arrives soon for you! I miss warm weather and all the green.
Colin Smith said…
I saw some cardinals the other day, but they seemed a little frazzled, looking at each other like, "What the heck's going on? It's supposed to be Spring already!" :)

Yay to revisions being over. Don't be in a hurry to query. Make sure you give the novel enough rest time so you can return to it as objectively as possible before sending it out. I wish you all the best with that.

And all the best with the Beta Reading... I hope that goes well for you too! ;)

Have a great week. :)

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